10 Most Common Types of Household Pests

10 Most Common Types of Household Pests

From termites and cockroaches to bed bugs and fleas, pests infiltrate thousands of homes every year. Your home provides the perfect environment for them to find shelter, feed and breed. Is your skin crawling yet? Read on to learn about the 10 most common types of household pests.


Australia is home to more than 350 termite species, about 20 of which are considered pests. Depending on the type, termites either live inside wood or break it down to transport elsewhere. Either way, they’ll wreak havoc on a building’s structure. If you find your home infested with termites, you’ll most likely need a pest control expert.


Closely related to termites are cockroaches. While they won’t damage your home, this common household insect spreads diseases like no other. Since they move through garbage, sewers and other disease-ridden areas, cockroaches often come into contact with microorganisms that cause typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis—even worm parasites.


Whether they are black flies or fruit flies, these creatures are also notorious for carrying diseases. When they land on something they want to consume, flies release digestive fluids to help them liquefy it. Think about that the next time one lands on your sandwich. Some fly species, like mosquitoes, also bite humans.


Believe it or not, most spiders are actually beneficial. They help control the populations of other pests— like flies! Still, spiders and their webs can be a nuisance if there are too many of them in your home. Some spiders are also poisonous, such as the funnel web spider and the white-tailed spider.


Leave any food out, and you might find it crawling with ants later. These household pests often build nests on lawns and around pavement. However, if they invade your home, they are able to build in electrical boxes, cavities in your walls or roof, or just about anywhere they can find space.


These tiny insects survive by sucking blood from their hosts. If you have a dog or cat in your home, you are especially at risk for fleas. They may just seem like a nuisance, but be wary: fleas can also transmit parasites and blood-borne diseases.


First observed in Australia in the 80s, Portuguese Millipedes have effectively invaded Perth. While they are harmless, they are considered a nuisance pest simply because of their high population. You’ve probably spotted this black caterpillar-looking creature climbing a wall or ceiling in your home.

Bed Bugs

You can carry bed bugs into your home in your luggage or used furniture. While these tiny household insects aren’t dangerous when it comes to carrying diseases, they are a pain to eradicate. You’ll need to painstakingly clean or even replace household fabrics and soft furnishings. Prevention is key.


Wasps respond aggressively when disturbed. Their painful stings are especially dangerous for those who are allergic. You won’t want to handle a wasp nest yourself—be sure to enlist help from a pest control professional.


Some native rodent species are protected and not considered pests. However, there are still types—like the common House Mouse, Black Rat or Norway Rat—that you wouldn’t want to find in your home. Common signs of rodents in your home include droppings, smell, noise, nests and damage.

Get Rid of Household Insects and Other Creatures with the Best Pest Control in Perth

The idea of household insects and rodents may be unsettling, but never fear. There are simple steps you can take to prevent these creatures from infiltrating your home. “Top 10 Pest Control Tips” Sometimes, however, you’ll need to recover your home with help from a professional. Power Over Pests provides premier pest control services in the Perth area.


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